Thank you for joining us - and for choosing freedom!
Soon you'll be receiving an email with details about upcoming dates and times for the webinar, as well as a backup link for the Freedom from Diabetes eBook, which you can download below.
You'll also get a welcome email explaining more about the program, our community, and all the free resources you can take advantage of to start feeling better and living freer! Make sure you share it with other diabetics you know.
We look forward to getting to know you.
With blessings,
Dr. Matthew Hertert
Our programs are created with the sincere intention to provide information, perspectives, tools, techniques, trainings, other resources and support to help you change your health and your life. These resources have been shown to work effectively with hundreds of others, however your results vary widely based on commitment, circumstances, and application of the tools. We in no way guarantee your ability to get specific results or any results, as is stipulated by law, with our products. Everyone is different, and your results in life are up to you. Nothing on this page, on any of our webpages, or in any of our products is a promise or guarantee of results or future health, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Dr. Hertert is not an endocrinologist and doesn't specialize in diabetes management in his primary care work. He offers tools, guidance and support only. The information, services, products, claims, event topics, and materials on this domain are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. We disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied effectiveness of the ideas or success strategies listed on this site as well as those that are provided in our products or to participants at our events. The only exception is the guarantee of satisfaction that is clearly labeled for each product. We are not a party to, and do not monitor, any transaction between users and third party providers. Questions? Email
Copyright © 2013 Freedom from Diabetes